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Commercial Roofing Services

Central Roofing has you Covered

One in six roofs in the Twin Cities were roofed by us with a top 1% safety record.

Providing only the best experiences, products and services in all building exteriors, our body of work spans the Midwest and includes many of Minnesota’s most recognized structures.​


Our Process

At Central Roofing Company™, you are a fundamental part of our team.

All of our projects start with building a relationship with our client in an effort to develop an effective plan from start to finish. We are proficient at using roofing best practices on any commercial structure.

We are dedicated to making each venture a success. During the pre-construction phase, we can provide an estimation regarding the impact that materials, strategies and labor will have on the cost of the project.

We feel that early planning results in optimal roofing practices and budget management.

Our team will maintain wide-ranging involvement throughout the construction process. The job will be performed by one of our skilled crews.

Each detail is followed to finish your project on time and within budget.

We have enormous pride in each project we undertake. That pride remains after the project is complete.

We make every effort to offer ongoing assistance and care of your structure to make sure it lasts.

Battle Creek Regional Park Pavilion Project Portfolio Central Roofing Company
Top 1%
Safety Record

Unprecedented commitment to ZERO INCIDENTS in every project.

View our Safety Standards