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When disaster strikes, you need an immediate response.

Roof Emergency & Disaster Response Services

Call us 24/7 at 763-572-0660

During business hours, ask for a member of our Service Department Team. After 5pm, our After-Hours Service will answer your call. Report your emergency and a member of our Service Assessment Team will call you back.

Central Roofing Company is home to the largest roofing service fleet in the state of Minnesota. An elite group in our Service Department is trained to respond to emergencies, whether they are storm and weather related or the result of an accident or incident.

When a call for help comes in, our Response Team takes an immediate assessment of the building’s security needs and acts accordingly. Crews are dispatched to arrive as soon as a site is determined safe and accessible.

The site is inspected and documented for insurance purposes. Immediate repairs will be made to secure the building from further damage.

Central Roofing Company will design and present options for repair and if hired to complete the restoration, handle insurance claims.

Preventative Maintenance serves the purpose of extending roof life. In emergency situations, a recently inspected and serviced roof with functioning, clear drains, sealed penetrations, and general good, watertight conditions will weather best. Central Roofing Company clients with Preventative Maintenance contracts receive priority service when weather crises occur. For more information, visit our Preventative Maintenance page.

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Need a hand with your next project? Let’s talk.

Request a bid or ongoing maintenance of your existing commercial roof.


Whether we installed the original roof or not, we are Central to solutions to leaky roofs, dripping gutters, loose siding, broken sealants, foggy skylights, water and wind damage, cracked sidewalks and patios, loose deck boards, clogged roof drains and vents and more.

Central Roofing

We are Central to Response

When disaster strikes, you need an immediate response. That’s why we offer the most consistent roof emergency response service in the Twin Cities.

In a major emergency, either natural or man-made, Central Roofing Company™ has teams prepped to act fact, assess the situation, provide temporary relief and long-term solutions. Our first goal is property security.

With Central as your partner, you will weather the storm and return to business as usual safely and as swiftly as possible.

Central to Response Video (30 sec)

Top 1%
Safety Record

Unprecedented commitment to ZERO INCIDENTS in every project.

View our Safety Standards